Autumn in Maine

Autumn here in Maine is one of the most brilliant experiences imaginable. The harvest festivals are in full swing, the fairgrounds are busy and the craft fair season begins. The foliage draws spectators from around the world to view it's magnificent appearance. For me, it also means RETREAT time is here! This photo was taken at last year's retreat at the Kenniston Hill Inn, Boothbay, Maine. The Inn keepers, Jim and Geri know how to treat us neglected ladies with fine food and service, clean quaint rooms and a double dose of hospitality. I can't wait!
Another photo taken at retreat last year has become DH's CU Security "Happy Thanksgiving" cards that he sends to all customers and vendors to thank them for their business and support.
I'm also busy (in shifts) wrapping the candybars with labels for my husbands security company. We get over 400 trick or treaters, so if we wrap them with a "Happy Halloween" from CU Security, it's advertising.

Meanwhile, I should be working but I'm goofing with my UTEE today. I made myself a new magnet. (I'm a fridge magnet addict.) I just LOVE Halloween, decorating, dressing up, giving away candy......... how can anything be more fun than that?
The magnet was made by melting black and clear UTEE in the melting pot with some Flex then pouring it onto the heat resistent mat and cutting it with a shaped cookie cutter and dropping a large red acrylic rhinestone into the body while it was still soft. I had to secure the magnet and rhinestone with E6000 adhesive after it cooled.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO YOU! I'll check in after retreat.
Labels: artwork, My Designs, Personal