SAHM and retired Marine Scrapbooking for the art of it, because I love my family and I enjoy creating art--could there be a more perfect combination? Independent CHA Designer-available for design commissions, kit design, class and project design, teaching events, consultation, product reviews and more!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Matz 4 Katz

A fellow art association member has created these lovely gems. Audrey Arguin--My cats both LOVE them!

"Matz 4 Katz" (and small dogs)
Fragrance Free - a bit of your cologn or perfume will make your pet feel like they are snuggled up to you.

Style: "Mom's Sweater"
Recycled sweaters/batting/cotton backing
465 School Street, Sanford, ME 04073

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Location: Sanford, Maine, United States

Retired USMC, Mom of 2, Nana to two, living life creatively in Southern Maine. Need an original creation? That's my specialty!

Email Becky
