SAHM and retired Marine Scrapbooking for the art of it, because I love my family and I enjoy creating art--could there be a more perfect combination? Independent CHA Designer-available for design commissions, kit design, class and project design, teaching events, consultation, product reviews and more!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

CHA vs Memory Trends

Here is a point to ponder: CK's Memory Trends Expo is challenging the scrapbooking and paper crafting industry to make a choice between their entity and the Craft and Hobby Assn. Convention by co-locating with the Photo Marketing ASSN International (PMAI) for a convention in Vegas in Feb 2008 back to back with the CHA show in Anaheim, CA.

Here's an article:

I have to say, I'm still on the fence. I've never been to a Memory Trends and when I found out it was owned by the SB Industry's self-proclaimed giant CK, I wasn't excited. I've been to CK events and it's a money grubbing experience that left me feeling empty and used; which is not what scrapbooking is supposed to be about.......... I know it's business but, they play to our emotions for the sentiment of memory crafts then abrasively collect large sums of money with disregard of our enjoyment or satisfaction. They are cliquey and cold. I realize these are prickly opinions that may come to haunt me, I'm a big girl. On the flip side, CK is making lots of changes lately and quite possibly, this could be a positive force. (although it doesn't look like they want to play nice, it could be better for many)

Scrapbooking/ paper crafting is the largest entity for CHA, yet has not received the respect and support that it should command within CHA, until lately that is............. do you think they saw it coming and changed courses so they wouldn't lose their #1 supporting entity? CHA is non-profit and needs support to continue, CK is for profit, which is why I think they don't meld well. The most recent CHA summer event was awesome! Staff was courteous, helpful and extremely supportive to any problems, and there were very few. An eye opening education day revealed how the paper crafting industry does not value it's designers, pays them less than market value for designs, insists on using designs and ideas without compensation or credit or down right taking them as their own. The CHA leadership is now aware of this foul practice and is intent on educating and correcting it. Do you think CK/MT is on the right track?

It truly does make sense to organize memory crafts with the photography industry doesn't it? In the end, it will only be about the bottom line, both for the event coordinators and the exhibitors alike.

How do you weigh in?




Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is interesting Becky. I guess we will wait and see.

6:33 AM


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Retired USMC, Mom of 2, Nana to two, living life creatively in Southern Maine. Need an original creation? That's my specialty!

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