Art Appreciation Event Success!
The Art Appreciation Event was a huge success! Fun was had by all.
Our Guest Speaker, Artist Norman West provided and fabulous presentation on his Color Theory. Here he is talking about the mysteries of color with his artwork displayed on the table to the right. The portrait is his "Self Portrait" of 1994.

Sanford Senior Alex Robinson, leader of the Blue Stream Band provided music throughout the event. THANK YOU ALEX, It was extremely enjoyable. This young man is talented beyond his years, if you are in need of a rock band please contact Alex through his Mother, Susan Norman via the Art Association website:
Lastly, but not least, Patrick Yurick dazzled the crowd with live painting, see below how his work transformed and evolved into a master piece. To follow what Patrick is doing, visit his blog:
The Abstraction of Mr Y:

A view of the room and crowd before the festivities started.
Thanks to the Sanford Elks Lodge for donating the facilities for this non-profit event.
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