ENDS AT 6 PM Shades of Grey GIVE-AWAY! Updated

Basic Grey that is!
**if you post anonymously, please sign your name and/or email address in your post content so I can identify you for the drawing.
I have 5 prizes of Basic Grey items, two complete collection packs of Stella Ruby papers, punch out tags and alpha stickers (retail value $17.99) and 3 sets of Undressed Chipboard Elements! (adhesive backed-great for covering w/ gold leafing)
What do you have to do? Just leave a comment on this post to be entered into the random drawing!
All prizes will be awarded on Wed April 30, 2008.
Don't you just LOVE Basic Grey?
..........and can you tell I'm loving my new web cam?
look for my classes soon on http://craftedonline.com/how-it-works/
I am still cleaning up the studio and I think I just might be adding more prizes to this!!! I am also considering a LIVE WEBCAM DRAWING AT 7 PM EST ON WED APRIL 30, 2008. If I can figure out where to broadcast it! stay tuned for more updates!
Greetings Simone
12:55 PM
I saw your post on Two Peas! That's lots of Gray-ness goodies there!
1:03 PM
Wow, what a nice thing to do. I saw this on sb.com. I love love love Basic Grey! Thanks!!!
Gina (siameseplease on sb.com)
1:06 PM
Please enter me in your drawing, Becky. I love Basic Grey!! What fun!!
1:10 PM
Ooooooo... I like, I like!!
1:11 PM
Oh, what a great giveaway! Basic Grey is THE BEST! Please enter me!
Maxene Choi
maxene dot stamp @ gmail dot com
1:12 PM
What a generous drawing!! Please enter me, too! I saw the snow pic--Wow! Reminds me of my growing up years in MN....now only sweeping sand in FL!
Becky (bensonbecky@hotmail.com)
1:13 PM
WOWSER! I love this Basic Grey selection! Please enter me!]
Donna (DonnaReedTLC@gmail.com)
1:15 PM
I wanna enter! I Love Basic Grey! Thanks!
1:15 PM
Wow! What a giveaway! Saw your post on sb.com and thought I would enter!
1:15 PM
I love basic grey...this is a great giveaway...Thanks, Debbie in Georgia debbiesdiecuts@yahoo.com
1:16 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
1:20 PM
Saw your giveaway on SB.com and I love Basic Grey! :)
1:23 PM
Oh, pick me please!!! i love all the Basic Grey products I have ever used. Especially chipboard! Kathy Eddy
1:27 PM
Please enter me into the shades of grey contest! Yes, I do love Basic Grey products!!
1:29 PM
Wow, what awesome prizes. Love Basic Grey...I use a lot of it in my art. Thanks for coming up with the shades of grey contest! Please enter me in it!
Debi W.
1:31 PM
Hi Becky! Great blog! Saw your thread on scrapbook.com about the giveaway; you're so generous. I'm adding your blog to my RSS feeder, so I'll be sure not to miss any of your super scrappy inspiration! :)
1:32 PM
Hi Becky! I've had you on my Google Reader for awhile but don't think I've commented before. Love your blog and LOVE BG! :-)
1:35 PM
I would love to be entered in the drawing. That sure is a generous offer. Thank you! Oh my gosh on the snow. I'm not sure if I did this right.
1:37 PM
I love Basic Grey! Please enter me in contest!
1:37 PM
Wow, aren't you sweet? That's a really nice offer. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you pull my name!
(BTW - I found your invite on 2Peas)
1:41 PM
How nice of you! I just love basic grey.
1:41 PM
I love Basic Grey!!!! I want to win!!
Misty K in Ohio
1:45 PM
Wow! Who wouldn't want to win. That's quite kind and generous of you! I Absolutely Adore All things Basic Grey....
Thanks for the email!
1:47 PM
That is incredibly generous of you to be giving this away. I love, love, love all things Basic Grey. My favorite for sure.
1:56 PM
Saw your e-mail on StampersCorner. You have a great blog. Love gifts.
Alessandra alita@aol.com
1:58 PM
Of course I love BG!!!.........and I love your blog!
Warm hugs for you Becky!
1:58 PM
wow what a great giveaway! Count me in! Deidrelm@hotmail.com
2:06 PM
WOW,gorgeous stuff!! I love the Stella Ruby pp! You are so sweet to offer up such fabulous prizes! (I saw you on sb.com)Thanks for this chance,Rebecca.....
2:06 PM
This is so very sweet of you! I actually don't have the Stella Ruby collection and would love to add it to my stash! LOL! Thank you!
2:25 PM
Count me in on the giveaway! Love Basic grey and love that Stella Ruby. Thanks!
2:31 PM
Wow, what a bunch of goodies! Thanks, Becky!
2:32 PM
This is very sweet of you! Can't wait to see who wins!
2:34 PM
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2:39 PM
WOW...I'd love to borrow your craft room for a crop!! HEHE
So sweet of you to offer these!
2:40 PM
I saw this on scrapbook.com. It is so nice of you to do this. I love basic grey. Good luck all!
2:41 PM
WOW what a wonderful thing to do, and this is one pack I don't have and would love!
Hope your are having a great day
2:48 PM
I would love to be added on a list!Thank you, you are so nice!
(once at sb.com)
2:55 PM
What wonderful items. Oddly enough, the chipboard is more exciting to me than the paper! (I need to get out more...haha).
Thanks for this opportunity,
Chris (from sb.com)
2:57 PM
Basic Grey is the best!! You are so nice to do this! Thanks a lot!
2:58 PM
good luck with the classes and thanks for sharing!!!
3:00 PM
Thanks for the info on 2peas! Hope I win!
3:20 PM
Wow! You're so generous! Thanks for the opportunity!
Sarah M
3:40 PM
How sweet to have such an AWESOME drawing!!!! A webcan drawing would be fun!! Thanks for posting on 2 peas :)
3:51 PM
Wow Becky,, that is a great prize.. sure hope you can do a live web cam so we can see you in person, so to speak.. Love your work to..
Becky Moore in TN
3:51 PM
How cool! What fun and glad you're enjoying the cam! Lovin' the BG!! Thanks for letting me play!
4:00 PM
great news Becky, will look out for the videos too :) Tracy (UK)
4:11 PM
I live out in the sticks and haven't even seen any Basic Grey, though I've heard lots about it. Would love to win so I can actually see it instead of ordering "blindly" over the net!
Cyndi - Dreams Unltd
4:13 PM
Wowsers you're generous! Love the snow picture....We're finally starting to get rid of ours!
4:30 PM
This is so generous of you - thanks!!!
4:34 PM
Looking forward to exploring your site. Thanks for the giveaway!
4:34 PM
I've been reading your posts for a long while now...this looks like a good time to chime in!
4:36 PM
ohhh ohhhh I adore Basic Grey please add me to the drawing :)
4:55 PM
Oh how neat!! Please PLEASE add me to the drawing, I love Basic Grey stuff!
5:06 PM
i saw this on sb.com thanks for sharing. Very sweet of you
5:11 PM
Great Blog and GREATER yet Basic Grey. Sandy
5:13 PM
Hi Becky, Count me in!
5:16 PM
Hey Becky! Love your blog and please enter me in the give away. What's not to love about Basic Grey??
Jackie K
5:42 PM
Basic Grey is my favorite paper line!! Draw my name! Couldn't get my Google or Typepad sign in to work. Email is LRagon@aol.com
6:02 PM
Thanks for sharing! I saw this on sb.com and would love to be added to the drawing! I love Basic Grey!
6:07 PM
You have a great blog. I can never get too much Basic Grey so please enter me. Thanks, Suz
6:08 PM
WOW !! very generous of you!! ;)
6:22 PM
Becky, you are so generous. Congratulations on leaning to use a webcam!
6:28 PM
wow a live webcam what a great idea!! Oh and I love basic grey, it's the company that sends my creative juices flowing. Please enter me'
Sandi in Illinois
7:36 PM
Ohhh, lots of goodies, I would love to win...
7:39 PM
wahoo what a bunch of great items
8:44 PM
Hey Becky! Saw your blog update and while I check it out on occassion, not as often as I should.....but thought I'd say hi! Cool beans on the giveaways! Hope you are all doing well!
9:27 PM
Wow thats an awesome giveaway!! You RAWK!!
I would love to win all that Basic Grey goodness!!
10:18 PM
Basic Grey is awesome! The undressed chipboard elements sound provocative!
10:19 PM
Very generous of you, Becky.
Please enter me.
12:08 AM
how nice of you :) I just love Basic Grey !!!
Kirsten N
2:46 AM
Wow! What an awesome rack!!
I would love to win!! Please pick me!!
So glad you are enjoying the webcam !!
Take care DAWN
8:24 AM
I would love to win the Basic Grey, but really wanted to let you know I enjoy your blog. You don't devote all your blog to the " See me...She what I do" Some blogs just draw a person in and yours is one of those.
Nancy Dees
9:12 AM
Awesome drawing, Becky (and great Yahoo group too!)
9:42 AM
Wow, nice giveaway...
10:51 AM
Of course, I just LOVE Basic Grey!
6:21 PM
boy i would love to have that stuff...i am just starting and this sounds like a good package
7:47 PM
What a fun give away!!
9:46 PM
what a neat thing to give away on your blog. I live web cam...too cool.
12:19 AM
Hey girl,
How is it up there? I love these BasicGrey packs...what fun. Hope to see you this summer, roomie.
Chat soon, Eli
1:39 AM
oh how fun! I love contests. Crafted online looks neat when will you be on there so I can blog it for ya :)
5:01 AM
what a cool thing...gotta love give aways!!
12:36 PM
Great blog.
Terrif giveaway!
2:17 PM
Hello, I just stumbled upon your blog...I love it! The Basic Grey products are great!
4:32 PM
Your A ROCK STAR.. I love giveaways.. I never win.. but I love to play!! Thanks for the opportunity! Angie
5:33 PM
Oh my word, that's a whole lotta loot!! Thanks for being sooo generous!
Angie Smith
5:53 PM
Saw your post on sb.com! You have a great blog! :)
6:34 PM
Can't believe you are willing to part with BG! That is my favorite line! This is a really cute blog...I will be checking back often!
6:35 PM
Sure, I'd love to be in the draw! Great comp.
7:46 PM
Wow...gotta love Basic Grey!
9:07 PM
I too am addicted to Basic Grey - just can't get enough ;)
10:14 PM
Ohh I LOVES me some Basic Grey! Gorgeous stuff!!! :)
11:17 PM
I saw your post on Two Peas. What a nice giveaway. After take a look around your blog, I'm bookmarking it to come baack. Looks like some great inspiration here
11:53 PM
Lovely chipboard. I'd love to win it in your giveaway. I also wouldn't mind the Stella Ruby and the other stuff, it's all good.
11:56 PM
Blog candy - and my favorite flavor too! Thanks Becky! Please enter me into your drawing. Thanks! Jodi
10:07 AM
Love that chipboard! Good luck to all
10:49 AM
thoes are all nice. i hope i can win
12:32 PM
WoW!!! I just joined this group and you are already offering prizes!!! Whooppie!!!!
9:28 PM
Aw and Stella Ruby is my all time favorite Basic Grey line.
1:15 AM
Wow great giveaway! Thanks for the chance :)
10:48 AM
Basic Grey is my favorite! So nice of you to share! Love your site and inspiration!
11:00 AM
Awesome! This is a great giveaway! I hope I win. :)
11:29 AM
I saw your post on Two Peas - LOVE contests and prizes !!! Great give away -
1:34 PM
OOOO! I Love BG!!
1:43 PM
Throwing my name in the ring!!
4:31 PM
Ohh Basic Grey is the best..What a great prize!
6:38 PM
I'd love to win.
7:43 PM
Thanks for the chance to win. Anne
10:52 PM
OMG...I love Basic Grey. What a fabulous prize.
11:22 AM
Love your site! Also love Basic Grey!
Evelyn in Oregon
1:03 AM
Putting my name in the hat, Basic Grey is one of my favorites...also saying I am bookmarking your website/blog here so I can take a closer look soon!
1:17 AM
Oh, please add me to the drawing! I love free stuff. :) And I like your blog!
12:32 PM
Oh wow... how generous of you!!!!! Count me in :D Thanks for the chance!
2:05 PM
Wow, Basic Grey, what a wonderful thoughtful giveaway!!! Thanks for the chance to win! edawson@ipa.net Liz in MO
11:56 AM
I love BG how awesome!!! Thank you!
8:28 AM
Well who doesn't love contests and free stuff ?? ** I DO **
Thank you for the opportunity :)
8:50 AM
Thank you so much for the giveaway. I LOVE Basic Grey!!
8:54 AM
Love BG! and very excited about your website! so neat.
9:20 AM
I *heart* BG! I'm in!
~Ronni Krol
9:46 AM
What a fun giveaway! I love BG and have the new Sultry, Sugared, and Boxer collections already! I linked here from Two Peas and I'm glad I visited.
10:07 AM
Very exciting! I love BG!
10:27 AM
OMG I just LOVE BG!! Saw your link on 2 Peas... thanks so much for the chance! :)
10:42 AM
Saw the link on 2peas
Going to have to keep my eye on this
I have never ever bought any Basic Grey stuff, I don't have a place that sells it locally although I think that stuff is beautiful
11:36 AM
Wow! I LOVE Basic Grey! Pick me!Peamail me if I win, I'll send you my address
11:54 AM
Or you could email me at margie_visnick@yahoo.com
11:58 AM
How generous of you. Love me some BG!
12:09 PM
This is very sweet of you! I've been wanting that Stella Ruby pack for ever :)
1:13 PM
What's not to love about Baisc Grey. Those collection packs are awesome
1:19 PM
These are definitely my favorite shades of grey!!!!
4:11 PM
Oooh, I'm lovin' that chipboard - and self-adhesive too!??! Even better!!! :)
Thanks for a fun giveaway!
5:54 PM
How nice of you...everything looks yummy!
8:39 PM
Awesome - thank you!
10:25 PM
Extremely happy for you Becky and will keep my eyes open for your first video !
Norma Kennedy
12:40 AM
Wow - BG is just fantastic!! Thanks :)
Kirsten N (NSW, Australia)
2:24 AM
Thanks for doing this. I would love to sign up.
8:48 AM
What generous giveaways. Love BG.
9:03 AM
Very Cool. I'm game. Thanks for this great giveaway!
Christina C
1:50 PM
What a "greyt" giveaway!
6:26 PM
What a "greyt" giveaway!
6:29 PM
I just love Basic Grey!! I am also from Maine! Please sign me up for the drawing.
Thanks so much!
7:02 AM
Basic Grey just keeps coming up with more beautiful papers. I buy them just because I love them! Please enter me in your giveaway.
Evelyn in Oregon
1:26 AM
Basic Grey has to be the all time favourite, I don't know how I managed before they came along. Please enter me for your draw.
8:52 AM
Hi! It is so nice of you to have a drawing for your Basic Grey items. Please enter me for a chance! Thanks!
11:37 PM
Wow! That's a lot of BG! You are very generous!
selmanbl at gmail dot com
1:05 AM
Love basic grey stuff! Thanks for a shot at it! :)
1:35 AM
i'd love to win this! love basic grey stuffs!
thanks carole
2:10 AM
So love Basic Grey...been in a Periphery mood lately !! Thanks for the chance to win great BG stuff !!
2:11 AM
love this! What a great give a way
2:37 AM
Looks Grey-t!!! I could always use more stuff!
6:38 AM
wahooo what and awesome prize!!!! I havent been able to find hat line ...
6:52 AM
WOW! Please enter me! I simply adore Basic Grey! With a house full of boys it's always just the right compliment to my scrapbooking! Thanks for the generous give-a-way!
7:48 AM
What a great giveaway! Thanks a lot!
7:52 AM
Oh, I would LOVE any of these things! Thanks for offering these on your blog!
8:35 AM
How very nice of you. I love Basic Grey and that chipboard is SO versatile!
9:02 AM
Who doesn't love basic grey! Very nice.....
9:14 AM
Sweet! I love Basic Grey - I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope I win! Doesn't it work like Dorothy on Wizard of Oz?!
9:16 AM
Who doesn't love basic Grey? I sure do!!! Their products are always such nice quality! Good luck to everyone!!!
9:18 AM
That paper is gorgeous! I just love Basic Grey and all the amazing products they have to choose from. Thanks for this chance to win!
9:44 AM
Please enter me in your drawing, Becky. Thanks a lotn for this fun drawing!!!
11:20 AM
I don't love!!! I'm crazy for BAsic Grey!!!! Uhuuu!!!
Thanks for this chance!
12:08 PM
I just stumbled on your blog. I'd love to get in on the drawing and spend more time checking out your blog! Thanks.
12:08 PM
Greetings From Annie Lou Ricci from Rhode Island.
Love this easy contest ... Thank You For Having It !!!!
Note: To Becky Chabot
Greetings. I will be visiting Agquinquit(??) in July and I remember I used to visit a scrapbook store in Sanford ... but I cannot seem to find it anywhere. Have they closed ?? Can you tell me of any scrapbook stores in that area ????? I alsways make it a POINT to visit scrapbook stores when traveling....
12:17 PM
Wow!! Very generous! Will be checking out your class list too!
12:18 PM
I would love to be entered. Love the blog.
1:01 PM
Wow, so many posts. But I will take my chances for such good prizes. Thank you!
1:55 PM
What a great give away. Enter me too.
2:36 PM
This is 'BASICally GREYt'
3:04 PM
Fantastic!!! who wouldn't luv the chance to have this KIT -for an inspirational creativly mind blowing scrapbooking win!
Thanks Becky for this Great chance for us Scrapbook wanna be a winner.
Please enter me-
3:44 PM
Please give me a chance. Love the grey.
12:46 AM
Love the grey!
7:22 AM
cool offer- thx!
I love all things BG :)
8:17 AM
I'd love to be considered for the BG. Thanks.
6:24 PM
I'd love some more BG. Can't get enough!
7:13 PM
What a generous offer! I love BG so much, please enter my name in the draw :)
7:50 PM
Nice giveaway. Please enter me. Thanks.
8:04 AM
Great site! Great giveaway! Love it!
11:23 AM
Basic Grey is here to stay,
Let us celebrate Scrapbook Day!
Becky is no doubt our friend,
She provides ideas to lend,
We respond with our best YEEAAHHH!
12:41 PM
omg- i'm so glad i caught this before the drawing! i'd love to be in on this! thanks so much!
1:08 PM
WoW!!!!!! I love BG products!!! Would love to get some of these. Thanks so much for the chance- love your inspiring site!!!!
1:41 PM
a friend just send me a link to your wonderful site.
1:44 PM
Wow! I would love a chance to get some goodies from Basic Grey! Please enter me too!
2:14 PM
What a great grey giveaway! Thanks.
2:24 PM
Wow, that is so sweet and generous of you! I love Basic Grey!
2:38 PM
This is so nice-I have always wanted the Stella Ruby Paper Pack. I would be soooo excited if I won. Thank you for sharing!!!!
3:37 PM
what an awesome giveaway! thanks so much...
serena repsold
5:37 PM
OH yea, I'm all for Basic Grey!!!! Love it!
10:11 PM
Oh, please enter me in this contest! I love Basic Grey! Okay, I love anything scrapbook related!
1:59 PM
Wow! Those are some nifty-looking papers!
2:10 PM
What a great giveaway!
Shirley McPherson
12:46 AM
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12:41 PM
That's some great stuff you're giving away!! Very sweet of you!
12:43 PM
Please include me in the contest. I love Basic Grey
12:56 PM
I saw your post on two peas! Gotta love basic grey
Jennifer (Agamemnonsmom on 2peas)
1:05 PM
basic grey is so awesome! I'm just discovering all these scrappy brands and i'll say this is one of my definite faves! How sweet of u to give stuff away :)
my email is kristen.alcantara@gmail.com
1:21 PM
wow - love Basic Grey stuff! It's so much fun!
2:00 PM
Wow! This is so nice of you! Please enter me in the drawing if I'm not too late!
My email: amigodfrey at bellsouth dot net
Thank you!!
2:00 PM
Great opportunity, thanks for doing this.
2:17 PM
WOW! What a great contest! Saw your post on 2peas and I had to hop on over!
4:10 PM
Saw your post on 2Peas - thanks for doing this - how fun!
(Fingers crossed... :) )
Gina (2Peas - doremefasolapeado)
4:37 PM
HOw fun to win!
5:41 PM
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